Reagan vomited all over herself & her car seat. Yeah.
I watched it all in my rearview mirror. She coughed a little, & then once, twice, three times she vomited. I gagged all the way home, hoping she didn't have a stomach virus (which she did not, thankfully). Naturally, I took Reagan inside immediately & stripped her down & cleaned her up. What I didn't do was thoroughly clean her car seat . . . fast forward to a few days later, & picture Trey opening the car because he plans to take it to Baton Rouge.
If you recall, Trey bought himself a large truck last summer that costs a considerable amount of money to fill with gas, which it then sucks down faster than Reagan drains a bottle. So, when Trey has to travel for work, he takes my little Honda Civic . . . he took one whiff & immediately removed the seat, which sat in the house while I washed all the padding. She doesn't much care for it when it's in the car, but stuck in this lonely corner in the house, it provided hours of entertainment.
Vomit behind us, one day I took Reagan out for a stroll & some playtime in the yard, but not before I snapped these of her wearing her fun play sandals her Grandmama bought her:
Too fast for you, Mom:
Reagan spent a considerable amount of time in her cabinet this past week.
At this point, I told her a little bit about the group U2 & sang her their hit song "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For":
Last Friday was my mom's birthday, which we celebrated Saturday night with dinner at Genusa's, followed by this awesome cake. You're never too old to have a themed birthday party:
The usurper of all birthdays (literally . . . she shares my dad's birthday):
Tuesday, Reagan & I strolled the golf cart paths for awhile (which, if you recall, is safe on Tuesdays since the course is closed). I snapped these before we went inside for the evening.
A view of the sunset from the front of our house:
The view from behind the house:
Thursday night, we returned to our new favorite haunt, The Hilton Garden Inn. Not content to simply listen to the entertainment, Reagan joined in, & we were all happy to watch as we waited out the rain:
You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life. -Steve Jobs
Reagan, may I suggest to you that the 'whatever' Mr. Jobs was looking for is God. God connects the dots, & even though we can't see the pattern immediately, sometimes for years, it will be revealed in time, & the picture will be stunning. I am in a season of my life that is truly beautiful, & I hope when you're my age, Reagan, you can reflect on decisions you made and events that shaped you & realize, as I have, that there was order & purpose to it all, and that that order was God.
I enjoy reading your posts! Thanks!